ADI/Alpha Diagnostic International代理
ADI/Alpha Diagnostic International品牌简介:
ADI成立于1993年,是一家为研究应用提供定制抗体和免疫分析的供应商。早期的主要焦点是开发研究人员不易获得的免疫测定试剂和试剂盒。作为人类基因组计划和人类蛋白质组计划的结果,迅速鉴定了几种新蛋白质。然而,没有容易获得的试剂用于对这些新鉴定的蛋白质进行详细研究。 ADI能够为研究人员提供许多新型试剂,使他们能够在蛋白质组学研究方面取得快速进展。多年来,该公司扩大了其重点和产品开发工作,为疫苗治疗,生物药物,传染病测试和其他针对消费者市场的新产品提供解决方案,包括肉类掺假测试和生育监测快速测试在家庭宠物和农场动物。
Alpha Diagnostic International,Inc。(ADI)是一家私人控股的美国生物技术公司,总部位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市。 ADI开发,制造和供应新型诊断和质量控制试剂和检测试剂盒,用于人类和动物的基础生物和疾病研究。 ADI的一项重要任务是开发和提供诊断和验证解决方案,通过改进疫苗疗法和减轻人类和动物疾病的传播来促进健康。
ADI/Alpha Diagnostic International品牌产品说明
Product Categories
Custom peptides & Antibodies(42) | Primary Antibodies(6170) | Secondary Antibodies(754) | Isotype and Serum Controls(623) |
ELISA Kits(702) | ELISA Kits and reagents for Infectious Disease and Vaccine research(2220) | ELISA Kits and reagents for Therapeutic mAbs, biosimilars, and proteins(274) | Infectious animal disease reagents for vaccine research(402) |
ELISA, Western, LFA, IHC/ICC, and IP reagents(222) | Peptides, Proteins, Enzymes, CDNAs, Aptamers, Adjuvants and ODNs(1475) | IHC/ICC Slides and Lysates for Westerns(367) | TruStrip™ Rapid Tests and Sample Transfer Strips(33) |
Featured Products
Human VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, quantitative 1 kitUSD445.00 | Rabbit anti-Human Programmed cell death 1 Ligand 1 (PDL1/CD274) antibody 100 ugUSD315.00 | Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD545.00 | Opdivo/Nivulomab ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD695.00 |
Human C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD445.00 | Human Anti-Zaire Ebola virus glycoprotein (GP) IgG ELISAKit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD695.00 | Human Anti-S. Pneumococcal vaccine (PCV-13) IgG ELISA Kit; (13 SEROtypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F), 96 tests, quantitative 1 kitUSD695.00 | Chicken Egg Ovalbumin (Gal d 2) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD595.00 |
Humira/Adalimumab ELISA Kit for human, 96 tests, quantitative 1 kitUSD895.00 | Bovine Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative (for measuring residual BSA in protein/antibody samples not recommended for measuring BSA in serum) 1 kitUSD545.00 | VacciGel Direct ELISA for the measurement of Hepatitis B Vaccine (HBsAg) formulated in Alum, 48 tests, Quantitative 1 kitUSD595.00 | * rapid test (Urine/Casette), 20 tests, *Forensic Use Only 20 testsUSD70.00 |
New Products
New Products(61) |
ADI/Alpha Diagnostic International代理
ADI/Alpha Diagnostic International品牌产品列表
Catalog# | Name | Product Type | Data Sheet | Size |
ABPEP-20GPA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~20-aa, conjug., 2 G. Pig, ELISA & Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20GP | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synthesis up to 20-aa, conjugation, 2 G. pig, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20CHA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~20-aa, conjug., 2 Chicken, ELISA & IgY from 6 egg yolk Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20CH | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synthesis up to 20-aa, conjugation, 2 Chicken, ELISA & IgY from 6 egg yolk) | Service | 1 set | |
AFFI-I | Custom Affinity Purification of antibodies (Coupling of antigen to Agarose, Ab purification (10 ml), ELISA, and affinity column | Others | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20SA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies ( up to 20-aa, conjugation, 1 sheep, ELISA, aff pure); Add $895 for additional sheep | Others | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20SUA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies ( up to 20-aa, peptide amounts upgrade; conjugation, 1 sheep, ELISA, aff pure) | Others | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20GUA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies ( up to 20-aa, peptide amounts upgrade; conjugation, 1 goat, ELISA, aff pure) | Others | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20GA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies ( up to 20-aa, conjugation, 1 goat, ELISA, aff pure); Add $895 for additional goat | Others | 1 set | |
AFFI-2 | Custom Conjugation of peptides/proteins to Agarose (up to 10 mg antigen) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-30UA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~30-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide upgrade and Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-30U | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. up to 30-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide amounts upgrade) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-30A | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~30-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA & Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-30 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synthesis up to 30-aa, conjugation, 2 rabbits, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-25UA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~25-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide upgrade and Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-25U | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. up to 25-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide amounts upgrade) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-25A | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~25-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA & Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-25 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synthesis up to 25-aa, conjugation, 2 rabbits, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20UA | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~20-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide upgrade and Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20U | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. up to 20-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA; with peptide amounts upgrade) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20SU | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide up to 20-aa, peptide amounts upgrade; conjugation, 1 sheep, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20S | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide up to 20-aa, conjugation, 1 sheep, ELISA); Add $895 for additional sheep | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20GU | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide up to 20-aa, peptide amounts upgrade; conjugation, 1 goat, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20G | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide up to 20-aa, conjugation, 1 goat, ELISA); Add $895 for additional goat | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20A-2 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies 2 peptides (upto 20-aa, synthesis, 2 conjugation, 2 rabbits, 2 ELISA & 2 Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20A-1 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies, 2 peptides (upto 20-aa; synthesis,2 conjugation, 2 rabbits, 2 ELISA & 1 Aff purif) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20A | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synth. ~20-aa, conjug., 2 rabbits, ELISA & Aff. Purif.) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20-2 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies, 2 peptides (upto 20-aa; synthesis, 2 conjugation, 2 rabbits, 2 ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ABPEP-20 | Custom Anti-Peptide antibodies (peptide synthesis up to 20-aa, conjugation, 2 rabbits, ELISA) | Service | 1 set | |
ASCITE-1 | Custom Production of Ascites in Balb/c mice (min 20 mice @$30/mice plus; $300 per cell line for cell culture) | Service | 1 set |
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