exocell代理Immunoassay Kits报价
Albuwell是Exocell的产品,用于特定和可靠地测量糖尿病患者的微量白蛋白尿。肌酐伴侣可用于测量尿肌酐。高于正常水平的血糖会加速蛋白质的非酶糖化,并增加糖尿病并发症的风险。 Exocell拥有许多产品和测试试剂盒,用于测量这些经过修饰的蛋白质。Exocell继续为临床研究和实验室研究开发创新的临床诊断和分析,以促进糖尿病及其并发症的诊断,治疗和理解。
2018年exocell公司Immunoassay Kits报价单|代理商整理
exocell代理Immunoassay Kits报价
Immunoassay Kits
Urinary Albumin Catalogue Number Price
Albuwell II (h Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1004 510
Nephrat II (r Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) NR002 510
Albuwell M (m Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1011 510
Albuwell O (s Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1013 600
Albuwell C (c Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) Special Order Inquire
Albuwell P (p Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) Special Order Inquire
Albuwell H (hamster ELISA, Strip plate) 1018 Inquire
Other Urinary Analytes
The Creatinine Companion (h,m,r microplate) 1012 260
Collagen IV M (m, r Collagen IV ELISA, Strip Plate) 1014 580
Collagen IV H (h Collagen IV ELISA, Strip Plate) 1015 580
Universal TBARS Assay (h, m, r microplate) 1020 280
DNTP-Thiols (h, m, r microplate) 1021 360
Human Nephrin ELISA (h Nephrin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1035 Inquire
Rat Nephrin ELISA (m, r Nephrin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1036 Inquire
h Podocalyxin (h Podocalyxin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1023 Inquire
r Podocalyxin (r Podocalyxin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1033 Inquire
Glycated Plasma Albumin
Glycaben (h Gly Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1003 550
Glyco-Albumin R (r Gly Albumin ELISA, Strip Plate) 1017 670
Special Order Urine and Plasma Proteins
Glycacor (h Gly ApoB ELISA, Strip Plate) 1009 560
Beta-IG-H3 (h Beta-induced h3 ELISA, Strip Plate) 1025 700
Beta-IG-H3 (m Beta-induced h3 ELISA, Strip Plate) 1026 700
Troponin I (h Troponin I ELISA, Strip Plate) 1027 700
Troponin I (m Troponin I ELISA, Strip Plate) 1028 700
Troponin I (r Troponin I ELISA, Strip Plate) 1029 700
h CRP ELISA (h C reactive protein ELISA, Strip Plate) 1030 700
m CRP ELISA (m C reactive protein ELISA, Strip Plate) 1031 700
r CRP ELISA (r C reactive protein ELISA, Strip Plate) 1032 700
h TNF-sR2 (h tumor necrosis factor soluble receptor II ELISA) 1034 580
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