Spherotech品牌Size Standard Kits产品货号
Spherotech品牌Size Standard Kits产品货号
Flow Cytometry Size Standard Kits
- Consists of a kit for the calibration of cell size using flow cytometry forward light scattering measurements
- Contains six suspensions of different sizes of highly uniform, nonfluorescent polystyrene microspheres in convenient dropper vials
Flow Cytometry Nano Polystyrene and Nano Fluorescent Size Standard Kit
- Consists of kits with either blank or fluorescent beads with 4 different diameters from 220 nm to 1.33 μm
- Designed to characterize microparticles (MPs, 0.5-0.9 μm), aquatic bacterial (0.2-0.6 μm), and plaets (0.9-3 μm)
- Used to define optimal settings for MP analysis in new cytometers with increased Forward Scatter sensitivity
- Provides a submicron size stardardization tool for flow cytometers
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