Thermo | AMQAF1000 | Countess II FL | 自动荧光细胞计数仪 |
Thermo | AMQAX1000 | Countess II | 自动细胞计数仪 |
2018年1月份蚂蚁淘新到一批Thermofisher/AMQAF1000/Countess II FL细胞计数仪现货
Thermofisher/AMQAF1000/Countess II FL细胞计数仪现货
全新的Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪是一款配备了*进的光学和图像分析软件,可以快速对悬液之中的细胞进行评估的台式细胞分析平台。现如今,随着其具备了荧光应用能力——明场和两路荧光光学通道,研究人员可以用之进行细胞计数、监测荧光蛋白表达以及测定细胞活力。
Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪具有两路荧光通道。其所采集的荧光色通过插入单独的光立方进行测定。Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪提供有超过15种光立方可供选择,检测不受表达GFP和RFP的细胞的限制。对于转染了RFP表达载体,和蓝色核复染的细胞,,您是否希望测定其转染效率?没问题!您只需加入和RFP和DAPI光立方,即可对整个细胞群之中表达RFP融合的细胞进行高效地计数,同时还可精确地测定转染效率。
通过两种颜色荧光进行细胞计数。将10 μL采用CellLight® Histone 2B-RFP转导并采用NucBlue® Live ReadyProbes® 试剂染色的Hela细胞加入到腔室载玻片上,然后插入到配备了DAPI和RFP光立方的Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪上。新Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪的分割和计数算法可以根据细胞的荧光性质对其进行计数。在本实验中,细胞群之中86%的Hela细胞被
Countess® II FL全自动细胞计数仪的荧光检测技术的核心是的EVOS® LED光立方。每个光立方含有一个LED、发光光学器件和滤光片。光立方具有插拔功能,可由用户更换,并通过Countess®系统进行自动配置。这些类型广泛的光立方为众多荧光研究应用(如细胞活力分析)提供了更大的灵活性。
See the entire line of compatible EVOS® light cubes
The Countess® II FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop instrument designed and manufactured by Invitrogen, which performs cell counting and viability measurements in concert with trypan blue stain. The Countess™ provides fast, easy and accurate cell counting without using a hemocytometer, thus eliminating the tedium and subjectivity of manual cell counting.
GIBCO® brand TrypLE™ Select and TrypLE™ Express are recombinant serine protease enzymes of high purity, which contain no components of animal origin. TrypLE is designed to remove adherent cells from the surface of plastic flasks and plates in a gentler manner. In addition, it is room temperature stable and a direct replacement for trypsin.
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