Advanced BioScience Laboratories公司简称ABL
Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc (ABL) 是马里兰州的生物医学研究公司,专责为生物医学团体提供资源开发和评估各种疫苗,治疗和诊断传染源。ABL是一个高度专业的合同研究组织(CRO ),具有与政府,商业和其他团体合作的丰富经验。ABL致力于预防艾滋病毒和传染病的研究。ABL可以帮助各个领域的产品开发,包括:基础研究,疫苗或产品设计,具有免疫调控的动物模型,为*阶段和第二阶段的临床试验生产cGMP生物制品以及许多其他服务。
ABL有着悠久的历史,为客户提供免疫调控服务( ELISA方法,抗原表位的映射,免疫印迹,淋巴细胞的分离,流式细胞仪, elispot等) ,细胞库,并扩增和QC病毒(HIV, SIV, Vaccinia, CMV, HTLV, and FIV)和杂交瘤。
ABL还针对HIV,SIV和病毒学研究提供各种特殊产品,包括抗体,抗原,高免疫血清,病毒原液和抗原捕获试剂盒。 ABL’s MissionABL’s mission is to provide integrated product development services at the highest quality to advance client products from target discovery to IND.ABL’s History
1961 Company established as Bionetics Research Laboratories (BRL), conducting biomedical research for the U.S. Government.
1968 Acquired by Litton Industries and renamed Litton Bionetics, Inc. (LBI). Company began expanding activities in the areas of retrovirus and cancer research.
1985 LBI acquired by Organon Teknika n.v., a subsidiary of Akzo Nobel, Inc. U.S. Government support laboratories renamed Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc. (ABL).
2001-2004 ABL acquired by bioMerieux, Inc. and later spun out under the Institut Mérieux as an independent U.S. corporation. During this time, ABL continues to develop product development services against a broad array of infectious disease and immune-based disease targets.
2011 ABL moved into a new corporate headquarters and state-of-the-art cGMP facility in Rockville, MD.
2014 ABL invested in clinical services through the acquisition of Platine Pharma Solutions, SA (Lyon, France) and build-out of a dedicated GCLP clinical testing laboratory in Rockville.
2015 ABL Europe, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ABL, Inc. formed to lead ABL manufacturing operations in Europe.
2016 ABL significantly expands its cGMP capABIlity by acquiring a manufacturing plant from Transgene, SA (Strasbourg, France) for the production of virus-based gene therapies, oncolytics and vaccines. This facility, managed by ABL Europe, has been inspected and approved for GMP operations by the ANSM, maintains multiple bulk productions suites, a high-speed isolator-based aseptic fill/finish line, and QC laboratories for development and execution of product release and stABIlity studies.